(A) Comparison of cyclin E mRNA levels in WI-38 cells infected with Ad5, dl1520, or Adhz60 using quantitative real-time PCR. The reaction was performed in duplicate for both the target gene and β-actin normalizer. The level of gene expression was calculated after normalizing against β-actin. The values indicate the n-fold change of cyclin E in cells at 12 h and 24 h postinfection at an MOI of 10 compared with the change in mock infection. The values are means ± standard errors of the means from two independent determinations (P of <0.01 by Student's t test). (B) Western blot analysis of cyclin E (cyc E) produced in WI-38 cells 2 days after mock infection or infection with Ad5, Adhz60, or dl1520 at an MOI of 10. Antibodies against cyclin E and β-actin were used. *, P < 0.01, Student's t test.