Fig. 4.
Simulation results for spider silk at the hydrophobic diamond surface. (A–C) Individual force traces as fragment 3 is pulled away from the surface at different pulling rates v0. In C static simulation results are shown as spheres. (D) Average desorption force for fragment 3 as a function of v0; the broken line denotes the static result, F = 40 pN. (E) Force as a function of time for the static simulation of fragment 3 at z = 4-nm tip separation. (F) (Lower) Force for fragment 3 at a tip separation of z = 4.6 nm. (Upper) Snapshots of repeated switching between the adsorbed state (Left, high force) and the desorbed state (Right, low force) of a tyrosine residue. (G and H) Static and dynamic desorption forces at v0 = 0.1 m/s for fragment 2 (G) and fragment 1 (H).