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. 2008 Feb 6;8:41. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-8-41

Table 1.

Otopetrin Domain Protein genes

Species Name Gene Symbol Accession No.
Human Homo sapiens otopetrin 1 OTOP1 NM_177998
otopetrin 2 OTOP2 NM_178160
otopetrin 3 OTOP3 NM_178233
Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes otopetrin 1 Otop1 * ENSPTRT00000029625
otopetrin 2 Otop2 XM_511667
Rhesus macaque Macaca mulatta otopetrin 1 Otop1 XM_001097009
Mouse Mus musculus otopetrin 1 Otop1 NM_172709
otopetrin 2 Otop2 NM_172801
otopetrin 3 Otop3 NM_027132
Rat Rattus norvegicus otopetrin 1 Otop1 NM_181433
otopetrin 2 Otop2 XM_221107
otopetrin 3 Otop3 XM_001081677
Cow Bos taurus otopetrin 2 Otop2 XM_606240, AC148430
Dog Canis familiaris otopetrin 2 Otop2 XM_540422, AC149469
otopetrin 3 Otop3 XM_540423, AC149469
Opossum Monodelphis domestica otopetrin 2 Otop2 * ENSMODT00000008924
otopetrin 3 Otop3 * ENSMODG00000007075
Platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus otopetrin 3 Otop3 * ENSOANG00000004377
Armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus otopetrin 2 Otop2 AC147459
Western clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis otopetrin 1 Otop1 * ENSXETT00000055844
otopetrin 2 Otop2 * ENSXETP00000014996
otopetrin 3 Otop3 AC166187
Chicken Gallus gallus otopetrin 1 Otop1 * ENSGALP00000024128
otopetrin 3 Otop3 XM_420115
Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes otopetrin 1 Otop1 * ENSORLT00000010414
Zebrafish Danio rerio otopetrin 1 Otop1 NM_198803
Tetraodon Tetraodon nigroviridis otopetrin 1 Otop1 CAAE01014674 (CAG02008)
Three-spined Gasterosteus aculeatus otopetrin 1 Otop1 * ENSGACT00000012102
stickleback otopetrin 2 Otop2 * ENSGACT00000014538
otopetrin 3 Otop3 * ENSGACT00000019137
Fugu Fugu rubripes otopetrin 1 Otop1 BK000652
otopetrin 3 Otop3 * SINFRUT00000140311
Yellow fever Aedes aegypti otopetrin-like b1 OTOPLb1 CH477312 (EAT43886)
mosquito otopetrin-like b2 OTOPLb2 CH477312 (EAT43887)
otopetrin-like c OTOPLc CH477407 (EAT41549)
Fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster otopetrin-like a OTOPLa AY071510
otopetrin-like b OTOPLb NM_164531
otopetrin-like c OTOPLc NM_132010
Fruitfly Drosophila otopetrin-like b OTOPLb CH379061 (EAL32988)
pseudoobscura otopetrin-like c OTOPLc CH379063 (EAL32758)
Honey bee Apis mellifera otopetrin-like a OTOPLa XM_394295
otopetrin-like c OTOPLc XM_394296
Malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae otopetrin-like a OTOPLa XM_311233
otopetrin-like b1 OTOPLb1 XM_311078
otopetrin-like b2 OTOPb2 XM_311079
otopetrin-like c OTOPLc XM_311232
Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum otopetrin-like a OTOPLa XM_969602
otopetrin-like b OTOPLb XM_962801
otopetrin-like c OTOPLc XM_969568
Nematode Caenorhabditis otopetrin-like d OTOPLd CAAC01000008 (CAE58380)
briggsae otopetrin-like e OTOPLe CAAC01000008 (CAE58381)
otopetrin-like f OTOPLf CAAC01000008 (CAE58382)
otopetrin-like g OTOPLg CAAC01000076 (CAE69908)
otopetrin-like h OTOPLh CAAC01000035 (CAE63792)
otopetrin-like i OTOPLi CAAC01000052 (CAE65819)
Nematode Caenorhabditis otopetrin-like d1 OTOPLd1 †† U64845 (AAC48028)
elegans otopetrin-like d2 OTOPLd2 NM_071735
otopetrin-like e OTOPLe †† U64845 (AAC48027)
otopetrin-like f OTOPLf †† U64845 (AAC48029)
otopetrin-like g OTOPLg ††† AL009170 (CAA15637)
otopetrin-like h OTOPLh †† AF045639 (AAC02566)
otopetrin-like i OTOPLi †† U28737 (AAL02486)

In some instances, the nucleotide accession number corresponds to a scaffold, ††cosmid, or †††fosmid record; in those cases, the accession number of the Otop or OTOPL annotation (protein) is indicated in parenthesis.

* ENSEMBL accession number