Figure 3.
Chemokine Secretion by primary ST cells upon the binding of iRBCST. Primary ST was stimulated with iRBCST (iRBC), uRBCs or left unstimulated (MED) over given time courses as indicated. (A) While stimulation with uRBC did not lead to any increase in MIF secretion more than that observed for unstimulated ST, stimulation with CS2-iRBCST led to an increased time-dependent secretion. This difference in MIF production among the different stimulant was statistically significant (p < 0.0032). (B) Two out of five placentas tested showed a time dependent increase in MIP-1α/CCL3 secretion upon interaction with iRBCST but not with uRBC or unstimulated this difference being statistically significant (p < 0.0040). (C) Secretion of IL-8/CXCL8 increased over time even in unstimulated cells, with no significant additional increase with iRBCST stimulation. Independent results from two placentas are shown.