Self-Monitoring |
An important self-control technique that involves observing and recording one’s behavior. Monitoring is associated with attendance and success in weight management programs [32]. Children and parents will be taught to monitor and record their dietary intake and steps each day. |
Goal Setting |
Children and parents will be taught the importance of goal setting to facilitate behavior change. Goals will be set on a weekly basis to help modify the intake of high-fat “Red foods”, the intake of fruits and vegetables, increase physical activity and decrease sedentary activity. Goals will be tailored to the individual needs of each family. |
Shaping |
Shaping is a strategy to target gradual changes in behavior to ultimate lyattain a desired goal behavior. This strategy will be implemented by setting weekly goals for gradual change. This is designed to increase self-efficacy and success, and to limit frustration, with the goal of promoting long-term behavior change. |
Stimulus Control |
Stimulus control is a strategy designed to help participants alter their environment to maximize cues to build positive lifestyle habits/choices and minimize barriers to positive change. Children and parents will be instructed on the principles of stimulus control, as well as specific environmental changes to implement in their home and daily life. |
Behavioral Contracting |
Behavioral contracting involves developing an agreement by which the child receives specific privileges if they complete a specific task. Parents will be instructed on the use of behavioral contracting and develop specific plans for implementation of a contract. |
Contingent Attention |
Parents will be encouraged to provide positive attention when children make healthy food and activity choices, but to limit negative interactions when children select sub-optimal dietary and physical activity options. |
Positive Reinforcement |
Children and parents will be encouraged to provide verbal praise for family members when they make healthy food and activity choices. |
Modeling |
Modeling is an effective strategy to build healthy lifestyle behaviors in which children learn to emulate their parent’s behavior. Parents will be instructed on how their dietary and exercise behaviors, as well as their self-statements, impact their child’s attitude and behavior. |
Role Playing |
Role playing is an effective strategy for facilitating positive interactions and communication. Group sessions with parents will include role play scenarios to practice implementing and communicating strategies with children and other family members. |
Incentives |
A drawing for a $5 gift card will be held each week in the child group. Children who attended the session will be eligible for the gift card if they complete their monitoring forms. |
Portion Size Control |
Children and parents will be instructed on the importance of portion control to help limit dietary intake. Specific examples will be reviewed to help participants learn typical and suggested portion sizes for common foods. |