Fig. 1.
Deletion of p100 restores osteoclastogenesis in NIK−/− cultures. (A) WT, NIK−/−p100−/−, or NIK−/− BMMs were cultured in RANKL for 7 days, then fixed and stained for TRAP. (Scale bar: 500 μm.) (B) Equal amounts of nuclear extracts derived from pre-OCs (48 h RANKL), starved, and restimulated with RANKL for the indicated times (min) were incubated with biotinylated κB oligos bound to streptavidin-coated beads. Beads were washed to isolate κB-bound proteins. (Upper) They were analyzed by immunoblot for RelB (κB → RelB). (Lower) Nuclear extracts were also immunoblotted for p65. (C) κB-bound proteins from pre-OC nuclear extracts were examined for the presence of p50.