Fig. 3.
TMyd88−/− chimeric mice have increased susceptibility to toxoplasmic encephalitis. (A) Brain histopathology of TMyD88−/− chimeric mice is shown near median survival days 25–27 after infection. Parenchymal regions of necrotic encephalitis are evident in the center of the pictogram. (B) Brain histopathology of TMyD88+/+ control mice is shown near median survival days 60–62 after infection. Focus of cellular infiltrate is in the center of the pictogram; arrows indicate bradyzoite tissue cysts. The data are representative of mice in two experiments (n = 6 total). (Magnification: ×100.) (C) BMNCs were prepared from mice on day 23 of infection, counted, and analyzed by flow cytometry to enumerate T cells. Data are representative of three experiments. (D) Quantitative real-time PCR of parasite DNA isolated from the brains of mice on day 23 of infection. Pooled data are from three experiments, with at least two mice in each group per experiment.