Figure 2.
Comparison of "cumulative" survival rates of males and females after ozone-exposure followed by K. pneumoniae infection. Experimental design was described in the legend for Figure 1, and in the Methods section. Panel A: Data (in percent of control – FA) for differences in survival between males and females. Panel B: Graphic representation of area below the curve (O3 and FA depicted by black and grey filled areas, respectively) of data shown in Panel A. The experiments from which these data are derived are in Panel B of Figure 1. The area below the curve was calculated with Sigma Plot 10.0 Software. O3 (top) and FA (bottom) curves. The resulting ratios (O3/FA times 100%) for males vs. females were compared with a t-test. Results were considered significant when p < 0.05, and are indicated with an asterisk, *.