Figure 1. Basal mean arterial pressure (A) and ACTH response to administration of CRH + AVP (B) in control (□) and nutrient restricted (▪) fetuses (113-127 days gestation) and lambs (84 ± 4.4 days).
Values are means ±s.e.m. Arterial pressure is shown as the mean of measurements made over a 2 week period in the fetus, and as the mean of measurements made on a single day in the lamb. ACTH responses to CRH + AVP challenge were measured for 180 min after drug administration in the fetus, and for 60 min in the lamb; ACTH data are shown as the cumulative response over the first 15 min following drug administration, with samples taken every 5 min. Blood pressure data were compared by Student's unpaired t test, and ACTH data by two-way analysis of variance followed by Dunnett's post-hoc test (*P < 0.05). Fetal basal blood pressure, and ACTH responses to CRH + AVP were significantly reduced following maternal nutrient restriction. Postnatally, basal blood pressure and ACTH responses were significantly greater in lambs of undernourished mothers. Adapted from Hawkins et al. (1997, 1998).