Figure 10. Effects of bisindolylmaleimide (Bis), a highly selective PKC inhibitor, on the action of phenylephrine on IKur,d.
A, control currents. B, the addition of 10 μM phenylephrine increased IKur,d. C, after phenylephrine was washed out, application of 50 nM Bis did not alter IKur,d. D, effects of 10 μM phenylephrine on IKur,d in the presence of Bis. (Results in A-D are in the same cell.) E, average (mean ±s.e.m.) IKur,d step current density at +30 mV shows that repeated exposure to phenylephrine produced consistent effects in the absence of Bis. F, a second exposure to phenylephrine in the presence of Bis failed to increase IKur,d.