Figure 7. Representative record demonstrating the influence of sealing the mouth on pharyngeal airflow mechanics during medial XIIth nerve stimulation.
V̇I,max and Pcrit were initially determined during 60 Hz stimulation of the medial branches of both XIIth nerves with the mouth open (left panel). The mouth was then sealed, and V̇I,max and Pcrit were again determined during 60 Hz medial XIIth nerve stimulation (right panel). Note that when the mouth was open, medial XIIth stimulation caused a large increase in V̇I,max, with no change in Pcrit (indicating the majority of the increase in airflow is oral). In contrast, once the mouth had been sealed (eliminating the oral flow pathway), medial XIIth nerve stimulation caused a significantly more negative Pcrit, and a much smaller increase in V̇I,max.