Figure 6. Calmodulin inhibitors: no influence on kinetic relationship between [Ca2+]i and CBF.
Shown are simultaneous recordings of [Ca2+]i and CBF in response to 10 μM ACh in the presence of calmodulin inhibitors (cells pretreated with inhibitors for 15 min). A and B, 160 μM W-7 (IC50 for calmodulin-dependent protein kinase: 31 μM) lowered baseline CBF by an average of 1 ± 0.3 Hz (n = 5) but did not change the kinetic coupling between [Ca2+]i and CBF in response to ACh. C and D, similarly, 1 μM calmidazolium (IC50 for calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase: 0.04 μM) lowered baseline CBF, but did not change the kinetic coupling between [Ca2+]i and CBF in response to ACh. Grey data points in B and D represent points during the fastest change in both signals in response to 10 μM ACh.