Figure 8. Na+-Ca2+ exchange current is increased in CSQ mice.
A, Na+-Ca2+ exchange current was quantified as the Ni2+-blockable component (trace a – b) of the outward current generated on rapid removal of external Na+. Arrows indicate addition of 5 mmol l−1 Ni2+. The holding potential was −40 mV. Note the current recovers to levels negative to resting values, as expected from higher cellular levels of Ca2+ following the large influx of Ca2+. B, mean densities of Na+-Ca2+ exchange currents measured as described in A were significantly higher in CSQ compared with control myocytes (** P < 0.01). Error bars are s.e.m. Control: 6 myocytes from 3 hearts; mean age, 138 days. CSQ: 6–10 myocytes from 3 hearts; mean age, 150 days.