Figure 1. Effect of Ang II on contraction and pHi.
A, upper panel, a typical continuous recording of cell length showing the time course of the Ang II-induced positive inotropic effect. Middle panel, individual twitch contractions at the times indicated by the letters a–c on the continuous chart recording. Lower panel, effect of Ang II on pHi. Ang II produced a slow increase in pHi. B, the overall results of these experiments (n = 9) indicating the temporal dissociation between the positive inotropic and alkalising effect of Ang II. The Ang II-induced positive inotropic effect peaked before any significant change in pHi (ΔpHi) could be detected. The increase in pHi became significant when the positive inotropic effect of Ang II was already fading. Data points are means of five successive pHi and contraction amplitude measurements (sampling rate 0.5 Hz) from each experiment at every given time. Basal pHi value before Ang II administration was 7.31 ± 0.05.