A, representative recordings of volume-regulated Cl− currents from the ramp protocol. Trace 1, basal membrane current recorded in isotonic solution; traces 2 and 3, currents recorded after perfusion with hypotonic solution in the absence or presence of 10 μm tamoxifen, respectively. B, time course of membrane currents activated at +100 mV. Data points were obtained from the voltage ramp protocol, which was applied every 15 s. The numbered points correspond to the current traces recorded in A. Horizontal bars indicate application of hypotonic solution (HTS) or 10 μm tamoxifen (TAM). Horizontal line, zero current level. C, dose-response curves for the inhibition of the volume-regulated Cl− currents by non-steroidal oestrogen antagonists, measured at +100 mV. Each point represents the mean ±s.e.m. (n = 4).