Table 2.
Loading all data for principal component 1 (P1) and 2 (P2), respectively, (cut-off 0.20)
Variable | Loading P1 | Variable | Loading P2 |
NDIa, long-term | 0.33 | Segmental height, baseline | −0.35 |
Horizontal AROMb, baseline | −0.32 | Hand strength, right, baseline | −0.33 |
NDI, short-term | 0.31 | Kyphosis, baseline | 0.31 |
Hand strength, right baseline | −0.31 | Hand strength, left, baseline | −0.30 |
Pain intensity, short-term | 0.28 | Sex | 0.28 |
Pain intensity, long-term | 0.26 | Effect of surgery, long-term | −0.26 |
Sex | 0.26 | Expectations fulfilled, long-term | −0.26 |
NDI, baseline | 0.24 | Horizontal AROM baseline | −0.26 |
Effect of surgery, long-term | 0.23 | Number of levels operated on | −0.25 |
Hand strength, left | −0.23 | Age | 0.23 |
Expectations fulfilled, long-term | 0.22 |
aNeck Disability Index
bActive range of motion