Detailed results for the top association signals. (A) The top two signals are near the CHRNB3 nicotinic receptor gene on chromosome 8. (B) The Non-synonymous SNP rs16969968 and the CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 cluster of nicotinic receptor genes on chromosome 15. SNPs that appear in Table 2 are labeled with dbSNP rs IDs. The track ‘UCSC Most Conserved’ (, May 2004 build, table ‘phastConsElements17way’) highlights regions conserved between human and other species including the mouse, rat and chicken; the maximum conservation score is 1000. Primary P-values are plotted in red using the –log(P) transformation. The ‘LD Bins’ track displays the distribution of SNPs from the ‘SNPs’ track into LD bins where all SNPs have r2 ≥ 0.8 in both cases and controls with the tag SNP. Only bins with more than two SNPs are shown, and bins are annotated with number of SNPs N, the minimum r2 of the tag with the other SNPs in the bin, the range of allele frequencies in the bin and the tag SNP. (C) A legend indicating the color scheme.