Overall and individual conservation of human confirmed and unconfirmed NAGNAG motifs. (A, left panel) Total number of confirmed and unconfirmed NAGNAG acceptors; (right panel) the fraction of individual motifs of the total number of confirmed and unconfirmed human NAGNAG acceptors. The numbers above the bars are absolute numbers of confirmed and unconfirmed NAGNAG acceptors. (B–E) The conservation of human NAGNAG acceptor motifs in (B) rhesus, (C) mouse, (D) dog, and (E) chicken was analyzed in a (left panel) global and (right panel) motif-specific comparison. As expected, the overall conservation drops with increased evolutionary distance from rhesus to chicken. A human NAGNAG acceptor is considered to be conserved if it is identical to the orthologous mouse acceptor motif except for an allowed variation between C and T at the first position. (Red) Motifs with a higher conservation for confirmed tandem acceptors. Note that all NAGNAG acceptors for which no pairwise alignment block with the respective species was found were discarded in the conservation analysis. The numbers above the bars are the absolute numbers of conserved NAGNAG sites.