Antisense ONs against α1A do not affect the expression of R-type currents but decrease the PQ + R components. (A) Activation of R-type Ba2+ currents with depolarizing pulses from Vhold = −80 mV to Vtest = −60, −40, −20, and 0 mV in cells cultured in the presence of either 4 μM α1A sense or α1A antisense ON. Data pooled from five cells. (B) Addition of α1A antisense ON decreased the P/Q + R component compared with cells grown in the presence of α1A sense ON. Ba2+ currents were elicited with depolarizing pulses from Vhold = −80 mV to Vtest = −60, −40, −20, 0, and +10 mV, data pooled from five cells.