Contribution of Cl−, HCO3−, and K+ to the response of HBEs to acute Nys treatment. Representative Ussing chamber tracings illustrating the Isc response to acute Nys challenge (Nys, dashed line) in bumetanide-treated (A, Bum, gray tracing); bilateral Cl− free KBR (B, Cl− free, gray tracing); bilateral HCO3− free KBR (C, HCO3− free, gray tracing); and mucosal high K+ KBR (D, high K+, gray tracing) compared with untreated HBEs (black tracing). Compiled data from the experiments depicted in all panels are shown in the bar graph as mean ± SEM, n = 2 to 3 individual donors, 4 to 6 cultures/condition. *P < 0.0001 versus Nys/KBR. Average peak Isc responses to Nys are shown in all the bar graph.