Chronic mucosal Nys treatment leads to sustained mucosal volume absorption. (A) Macroscopic determination of mucosal volume absorption. 120 μl of either KBR or KBR+Nys were mucosally applied to the cultures (arrows) according to the chronic Nys treatment protocol. Mucosal liquid volume was estimated every 8 and 16 hours. Data are shown as mean ± SD, n = 4 individual donors, 2 cultures for each treatment; *P = 0.018, 8 hours versus 24 hours time point in Nys-treated cultures. (B) Representative images of the surface of naïve, KBR-, and Nys-treated cultures after 96 hours chronic Nys treatment. KBR-culture surface is out of focus for the presence of mucosal liquid on top of the culture. Note the mucus and cellular debris accumulating towards the periphery of the cultures in KBR-treated cultures whereas firmly adherent to the cell surface in Nys-treated cultures (arrowheads).