Figure 3.
Structure of the eight-stranded DNA cage. (a) 3D isodensity map of the cage generated from single-particle reconstruction based on cryo-transmission electron microscopy imaging. (b) Superimposition of the reconstructed structure and cylinders representing a stretch of 18 bp DNA. The grid surface illustrates the front section of the isodensity map in (a) at a low contour level (−1.69 σ). The higher contour level (−2.28 σ) is shown in the blue solid surface. The dimensions of the pink cylinders (diameter: 2 nm, length: 6 nm) equal the dimensions of an 18 bp DNA helix based on crystal structures of double-stranded DNA (28). The cylinders are shown in a 1:1 scale to the isodensity map. Scale bar: 5 nm.