A, NCM460 cells were treated for 2h with 50µM MQ without or with pre-treatment with 2mM NAC at 30min prior to (NAC+MQ) or at 30min after (MQ+NAC) MQ exposure. In some experiments, cells were pretreated with NAC followed by removal of the media and replaced by fresh NAC-free media (NAC+MQ with wash out). (B) Cells were pre-treatment with 0.1mM dicumarol at 30min before MQ exposure. Apoptosis was determined by DAPI staining as described in Methods. Results are expressed as mean ± S.E. for A, n= 3 for control, MQ, NAC+MQ, and NAC+MQ with wash out, and n=4 for MQ+NAC. * p< 0.05 versus control; # p< 0.05 versus MQ, and +p<0.05 versus NAC+MQ and NAC+MQ with wash out; B, n=4 for minus and plus dicumarol (Dic). o p< 0.05 versus minus dicumarol.