α2δ1 knockdown myotubes fail to maintain their Ca2+ transient amplitude with electrical pulse trains >1 Hz. (A) Cells were stimulated by sequential bipolar electrical pulse trains lasting 120 s at frequencies ranging from 0.17 to 20 Hz with a 1 min rest period between each frequency tested. The rate of decline of the peak Ca2+ transient amplitude was proportional to the stimulus frequency. These data are representative of measurements acquired from n = 3 wt and n = 8 α2δ1 knockdown myotubes using the indicated stimulus sequence protocol. (B) Ca2+ transient amplitudes were resistant to rundown in wt, but not α2δ1 knockdown, myotubes stimulated with electrical pulse trains similar to those commonly used to elicit fatigue in adult fibers, as described in Materials and Methods. The data are representative of n = 20 wt and n = 36 knockdown cells.