Relative Dose Response for Signaling in C14 Cells in Response to Monomeric and Dimeric Ligands
A, Serum-starved C14 cells were treated with the indicated concentrations of GH, GH-GH, or G120R-G120R for 10 min before extraction, resolution of equal amounts of proteins per sample by SDS-PAGE, Western transfer, and sequential immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. In each experiment, all samples were evaluated on the same gel and under identical electrophoresis and immunoblotting conditions. B, Several experiments as in A were evaluated by densitometry to quantify the relative JAK2 tyrosine phosphorylation. Within each experiment, the signal generated in response to GH was considered as 100%. Values are expressed as mean ± se; n = 3. *, P < 0.03 compared with control (GH-treated). WB, Western blot.