Figure 5.
Regulation of osteoblastic mineralization by CITED1. WT and CITED1 KO primary calvarial osteoblasts isolated from neonatal mice (A) or CITED1 KO primary calvarial osteoblasts, either uninfected (CON) or infected with Ad-CITED1 or Ad-Lac-Z at 100 ifu/cell (B) were cultured in mineralization medium for 4 wk. Mineralized nodules in the cultures then were assessed by staining with Alizarin Red S and imaged by either plate scanning (A, top panel, and B) or microscopy (A, bottom panel, at magnification ×40). Calcium content was measured in acid extracts (see Materials and Methods). Experiments were performed three times with similar results. Calcium content (milligrams per well) is expressed as mean ± sd for groups of three cultures. *, P < 0.01 vs. WT (A) or uninfected controls (B).