Open-surgical hindbrain implants of 0.2 μg EB (H-EB), but not sc implants of 0.2 μg EB (sc-EB), increase CCK-induced c-Fos expression, visualized with DAB staining, in the cNTS and spNTS, but not the Rpa, PVN, ventromedial nucleus, or Arc. Animals were killed on postimplant d 3, 90 min after ip injection of 4 μg/kg CCK-8 or saline. Data are number of c-Fos-positive cells per 40-μm section (mean ± sem). *, Number of c-Fos-positive cells different in CCK-injected H-EB rats from saline-injected H-EB rats (P < 0.05). +, Increase in number of c-Fos-positive cells in H-EB group (H-EB/CCK-H-EB/saline) different from sc-EB group (sc-EB/CCK-sc-EB/saline) or control group (control/CCK-control/saline) (P < 0.05).