Figure 5.
The changes in the mean power frequency of electroencephalogram (ΔMPF), delta power (ΔDelta), electromyogram (ΔEMG), high-frequency power of heart rate variability (ΔHF), low-frequency power to HF ratio of heart rate variability (ΔLF/HF), R-R interval (ΔRR) within 4 min before and after quiet sleep-active waking (QS-AW) transition. Data of the fourth min before each transition were used as reference points. 147 sequences of data with time resolution of 8 sec were analyzed and were expressed as mean ± 95% confidence interval. The LF/HF rose significantly since 0.5 min before the transition, while the HF did not decline until the completion of the transition. Moreover, MPF, Delta, EMG, and RR all changed significantly since 1.5 min before the transition. ln, natural logarithm.