A, the 4 m-preBötC[600/−0.10] slices of Fig. 10B showed a 1 : 1-coupling of VRC/preBötC and XII nerve bursting. Note that burst rate slightly increased during the first hour of recording and that 9 mm K+ restored rhythm of ∼50% higher burst rate than the initial rhythm in 3 mm K+. B, the durations of both VRC/preBötC and XII bursts decreased following the first hour of recording. Both, K+ and rolipram (1 μm) re-stimulated burst durations. C, the amplitude of VRC/preBötC and XII bursts, referred to the value at 20 min (t20), was stable in control solution, whereas elevated K+ and rolipram had an augmenting effect. Numbers of slices shown above bars in A are identical to those in B and C.