Averaged timecourses for the three rehearsal periods, 0 sec, 6 sec, and 12 sec, in area Area Spt. Notice the increase in the width of the response function with progressively longer rehearsal periods, showing clearly the contribution of rehearsal to the region’s hemodynamic response. The sensory-only response can be seen in the zero rehearsal condition, showing that this region is responsive to acoustic events alone. The increase in amplitude of the initial peak in the rehearsal trials (both 6 and 12 sec) relative to the no rehearsal trials reveals additivity in the response to the sensory event and the early part of the rehearsal period. In the 12 sec rehearsal condition the drop in amplitude after the initial peak presumably reflects the decay of the sensory response leaving only the rehearsal-related activation. This relative isolation of the rehearsal-related response is evident only in the longer 12sec rehearsal condition.