Figure 4.—
Methylation of histone H3-K9 is diminished in sticky follicle cells. Stage 10B/11 follicle cells are shown for (A–C) stiZ3-5829/+, (D–F) stiZ3-5829 homozygotes, and (G–I) stiZ3-5829/sti3 trans-heterozygotes. DAPI-stained nuclei (A, D, and G). Histone H3 dimethyl-Lys9 (B, E, and H). Merged images (C, F, and I) show DAPI in blue and dimethyl-Lys9 in magenta. Arrows in A–C point to chromocenters enriched for H3 dimethyl-Lys9. Arrows in D–F and G–I show both large and normal-sized nuclei with disorganized chromocenters and diminished H3 dimethyl-Lys9 staining. Bars, 10 μm.