Figure 6.—
Mutations in sticky dominantly suppress position-effect variegation of white. (A) wm4h/Y; +/TM6 B (+/+). (B) wm4h/Y; stiZ3-5829/+. (C) wm4h/Y;sti3/+. (D) w; DX1-mini-w+; +/TM6 B (+/+). (E) w; DX1-mini-w+; stiZ3-5829/+. (F) w; DX1-mini-w+; sti3/+. (G–J) Eye pigment from 10–30 males was extracted and quantified by spectrophotometry at 480 nm (see materials and methods). Open bars are +/+ controls and solid bars are sti/+ heterozygotes as indicated. In each case, highly significant differences were seen as indicated. Controls for (K) wm4h/Y;CyO and wm4h/Y; Rho1702 and (L) wm4h/Y;+/+ and wm4h/Y;TM6B/+ show no significant differences in white gene variegation and expression as indicated. All P-values were calculated by a two-tailed t-test assuming unequal variance.