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. 2008 Mar;178(3):1399–1413. doi: 10.1534/genetics.107.081638

Figure 3.—

Figure 3.—

The swm locus and sequence. (A) The swm locus has six exons in its swm-RA transcript (thick bars) and five introns (thin lines). The swm-RB transcript is predicted (FlyBase) to have only five exons and an alternative transcriptional start site within intron one (not shown). Both transcripts have the same predicted protein coding region (1062 amino acids, green). Noncoding regions of exons one, two, and six are in black. Two putative functional domains are shown: a CCCH-type Zn+ finger (yellow) and an RNA recognition motif (blue). Mutations in five swm alleles are indicated. (B) Swm protein aligned with human RBM-26 (GenBank, EAW80593) and RBM-27 (GenBank, Q9P2N5). Identity (red), strong similarity (orange), weak similarity (green), no similarity (black), Zn+ finger domain (yellow box), RRM (blue box). Mutations in swm alleles, in boldface type: swmF4 (after D175 GT to AT, the last residues before the splice site); swmDh-1, 157-bp deletion at S249; swmF14, Q314 to stop (CAA to TAA); swmF11, W418 to stop (TAG to TGG); swmF15, D923N.