Table 3. Rescue of daw mutants.
(Row 1) daw mutants with or without daughterless-GAL4 (da-GAL4) or 386Y-GAL4 GAL4 are crossed to daw lines combined with various UAS-transgenes (Column 1). In these crosses, if all mutants were to survive, they would account for half the number of the heterozygous animals. (Row 2) daw mutants rarely survive to adulthood (2/(77−2)×2=5% of the expected number). Similarly, very few daw animals combined with da-GAL4 and 386Y-GAL4 reach adulthood (6% and 0%). (Row 3) 66% and 89% of daw mutants are rescued by ubiquitous expression of DAW with da-GAL4 or expression in neurosecretory cells with 386Y-GAL4. (Row 4) In the absence of dFS expression, 32% of daw mutants pupate under optimal food condition. Expression of dFS with 386Y-GAL4 increases survival to the pupal stage from 32% to 85%. Expression of dFS with 386Y-GAL4 is late pupal lethal in both wild type and daw mutant background. (Row 5) In contrast to dFS, expression of xFS with da-GAL4 or 386Y-GAL4 is not lethal. While 23% of daw mutants survive to adulthood with 386Y-GAL4, only 9% are rescued by ubiquitously expressed xFS. (Row 6) Ubiquitous expression of hFS rescues 28% of the expected daw mutants. No surviving mutants are observed with 386Y-GAL4.
* surviving pupae |
daw ; +__ CyO - TM6B |
daw ; da-GAL4 CyO - TM6B |
daw ; 386Y-GAL4 CyO - TM6B |
daw ; +__ CyO - TM6B |
2/77; 5% | 4/129; 6% | 0/109; 0% |
daw ; UAS-DAW CyO - TM6B |
0/97; 0% | 28/113; 66% | 37/120; 89% |
daw ; UAS-dFS CyO - TM6B |
10*/73; 32%* | NA | 20*/67; 85%* |
daw ; UAS-xFS CyO - TM6B |
0/108; 0% | 4/90; 9% | 42/406; 23% |
daw ; UAS-hFS CyO - TM6B |
0/80; 0% | 32/262; 28% | 0/121; 0% |