A conserved site for binding sulfotyrosine on HIV-1 gp120. (A) Alterations of the V3 base to accommodate binding of sulfotyrosine. The gp120 (gray) region around the V3 loop (orange) is illustrated in ribbon diagram, with an overlying semitrans-parent surface for unbound (left panel) and bound (right panel) conformations. Binding of the CCR5 N terminus (purple) or the 412d CDR H3 (red), each with two sulfotyrosines (stick representation, with red and purple labels), alters the V3 base, forming a sulfotyrosine binding pocket and a rigid β-hairpin. (B) Close-up of the conserved sulfotyrosine binding pocket. The orientation shown is similar to that in Figs. 2B and 3B [~90° from (A) about a diagonal axis, as defined by the long axis of the V3 from (A)]. Tys 14CCR5 is shown in purple, with Tys 100c412d in red. Select residues of gp120 are shown in stick representation and labeled in black. Hydrogen bonds coordinating the buried sulfate groups in each are depicted with dotted lines.