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. 2008 Feb;54(2):232–233.

Table 4.

Family physicians’ views on collaboration with psychologists

Do evidence-based psychotherapies exist? (yes) 110 95
Psychological intervention will help with 110
 • Mental and emotional problems 100
 • Personal problems 98
 • Physical problems (eg, chronic pain, fatigue, and disease) 78
Reasons to refer to a psychologist 117
 • Belief that psychotherapy is appropriate 84
 • Patient’s request 62
 • Acquaintance with psychologists in the community 49
 • Lack of time to counsel patients oneself 45
 • To gain support for diagnosis and management 44
 • Lack of interest in practising psychotherapy 19
Reasons not to refer to a psychologist 110
 • Patient’s economic constraints 95
 • Lack of feedback from psychologists in the past 22
 • Lack of psychologists in the neighbourhood 21
 • Can offer an equivalent service 9
 • Negative experiences with psychologists in the past 4
 • It will not help or I do not refer patients 3
 • Other* 11
Integration of psychologists into primary care would 118
 • Improve the quality of services offered to patients 76
 • Be a complementary addition 59
 • Be an effective collaboration 56
 • Be an essential addition to care 52
 • Allow for a useful exchange of knowledge between professionals 49
 • Increase patients’ satisfaction with care 47
 • Not be useful 1

Lack of knowledge of psychologists in area (3), difficulties with access or long wait times (5), perception that psychologists are prejudiced in favour of insurance companies (1), lack of follow-up from psychologists (1), and psychiatrist available on site (1).