A, the relation between Is and clamp voltage obtained in high Cl− and low Cl− concentrations. The data obtained at low Cl− concentrations (6 mm) are the averaged data from the oocytes presented in Fig. 2. The data obtained at high Cl− concentrations (96 mm) are from an oocyte from the same batch as those used for the low Cl− experiments. Curves are drawn by eye. B, water flux (JH2O) versus glutamate-induced current (Is) for an oocyte bathed in high external Cl− concentrations (96 mm). Data are from the oocyte above, which is typical for ten oocytes. The curved line through the points is the JH2Oversus Is relation constructed from two assumptions: (1) the cotransport of water is linked to the Na+-glutamate transport and given by the relation measured in low Cl− (Fig. 2) and (2) the conductive Cl− current in the EAAT1 does not give rise to water transport. Compare, for example, the data obtained at a clamp voltage of -100 mV and at ECl, which is around -20 mV. The cotransport component of the current at -100 mV is about 100 nA larger than at ECl (Fig. 3A, ▪). Accordingly, JH2O would be predicted to be 7 pl s−1 larger at -100 mV, about 20 pl s−1, see Fig. 2. The total current, however, at -100 mV is 400 nA. The dashed line through zero is the JH2Oversus Is relation in low Cl− solutions (from Fig. 2).