Figure 3. Effects of NO and ANGII on baroreceptor reflex input-output function.
A, a representative preparation illustrating the reflex bradycardiac responses to incrementing ramp increases in perfusion pressure. Bilateral NTS microinjection of NONOate (500 pmol) reduced the gain of the baroreceptor reflex. This effect reversed after 10 min (Washout). B, an example showing the baroreceptor reflex response curve under control conditions, after a bilateral NTS microinjection of ANGII (500 fmol) alone and after rapid consecutive injections of l-NMMA (200 pmol) and ANGII (500 fmol). The ANGII-induced depression of the baroreceptor reflex was completely prevented by the NOS inhibitor. Note that the rate of rise of the increases in perfusion pressure were comparable throughout the experiment. C, representative serial transverse sections through the medulla indicating many of the sites of microinjection for NONOate and l-Arg (left-hand side) and l-NAME-ANGII and l-NMMA-ANGII (right-hand side). The different symbols (*, ○ and x) denote different experiments. Numbers refer to the distance from bregma. Abbreviations: AP, area postrema, DVN, dorsal vagal motor nucleus; NTS, nucleus of the solitary tract; TS, solitary tract.