Figure 6. Effect of cyclosporin A and Ca2+ ionophore on the expression of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA.
Cell cultures were grown for 28 days without any treatment (lane 1) or from day 14 of the culture onwards for a further 14 days in the presence of cyclosporin A (500 ng ml−1) (lane 2) or the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 (4 × 10−7m) (lane 3) or cyclosporin A and Ca2+ ionophore (lane 4). Total RNA (20 mg) was isolated from control and treated cultures at the time points indicated, fractionated on a 1.2 % formaldehyde agarose gel, and transferred to nitrocellulose. The blots were hybridized with a 32P-labelled 1.3 kb Pst I fragment encompassing the complete GAPDH cDNA or an 18S rDNA probe. The positions of 18S rRNA (1.9 kb) and 28S rRNA (4.8 kb) on the ethidium bromide-stained gel are indicated.