Figure 5. HS elicits delayed quantal release and suppresses frequency facilitation of rapid release.
A, EPSPs recorded at 1 and 10 Hz stimulation frequencies with and without HS. Each trace is an average of 600 EPSPs. Quantal size represents the average of all single quantal responses recorded at 1 Hz. HS increased the response at f = 1 Hz and decreased the response at f = 10 Hz without changing the quantal size. B and D, effect of HS on quantal content of phasic responses. C and E, effect of HS on frequency of delayed events. A, B and C show the data from a representative experiment (Experiment 1). D and E show the data averaged from 15 experiments (in 7 experiments, frequencies were changed in the order 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 Hz, and in the other 8 experiments frequencies were changed in the reversed order: 10, 7, 5, 3 and 1 Hz). HS (500 mm sucrose) was applied by perfusion of the recording pipette (Fig. 1B).