Figure 3. Effect of heterologous expression of YFP-β1/γ2, β1/CFP-γ2 and YFP-β1/CFP-γ2 on GIRK channel activation.
Time course of basal and NA-activated GIRK channel currents in control (neurons expressing GIRK1 and GIRK4 only; A), GIRK1 and GIRK4 + YFP-β1/γ2-expressing neurons (B) and GIRK1 and GIRK4 + YFP-β1/CFP-γ2-expressing neurons (C). Currents were evoked by 200 ms voltage ramps from -140 mV to -40 mV from a holding potential of -60 mV, applied every 10 s. Filled bars indicate the application of 10 μm NA, or 1 mm Ba2++ 10 μm NA. Insets for A and C show current traces obtained before (a) and after the application of NA (b) or NA + Ba2+ (c). Inset for B shows current traces obtained before (a) and after the application of NA (c) or NA + Ba2+ (b). Dashed lines indicate the zero current level. D, summary graph showing the mean (±s.e.m.) basal peak GIRK currents recorded prior to NA application. Basal peak GIRK current values were obtained by subtracting the currents recorded before NA exposure from those obtained after the application of 1 mm Ba2++ 10 μm NA. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of experiments.