Fig. 7. Isosurface comparisons.
(a) Full-length Vps4p contoured at 578 (solid purple) and 446 kDa (dashed purple) superimposed on ΔN-Vps4p contoured at 446 kDa (blue). The additional densities above the bowl and in the fins persist at both contours, indicating they are significant. (b) Vta1p-Vps4p complex contoured at 824 kDa (solid yellow line) and 578 kDa (innermost dashed yellow line) superimposed over the full-length Vps4p at 578 kDa (purple). Compared with the full-length Vps4p, the Vta1p-Vps4p complex has significant extra densities around and over the nipple above the top ring and beneath the center of the bottom ring. (c) and (d) Bottom and side view of the previously proposed model of hexameric Vps4B placed into the bottom ring of the full-length Vps4p reconstruction contoured at 578 kDa.