(A) Transport of intratesticularly injected [14C]testosterone into semen. The radioactivity in semen after injection was measured at the time points indicated. These experiments were repeated at least three times and showed essentially the same results. A representative result is given. Black bars, wild type; white bars, mutant. (B) Improvement of [14C]testosterone excretion in the presence of gangliosides in the mutant mice. [14C]testosterone was injected as in A, with or without gangliosides (10 μg), then cpm in semen was examined at 5 and 30 min after injection. ∗∗, P < 0.05. (C) A scheme to show the essential role of complex gangliosides in testosterone transport from Leydig cells in testis. T, testosterone. An X superimposed on an arrow represents disrupted transport.