Figure 3.
(A) DHODR-breq, DHODR in complex with brequinar (light blue). FMN and orotate are colored in light grey. The small N-terminal domain is colored in dark gray. The cations are shown as black spheres. (B) DHODR-ato, DHODR in complex with atovaquone (yellow). FMN and orotate are colored in light gray. The bound β-octylglucoside is shown in black and the small N-terminal domain is colored in dark gray. (C) Two views of the superimposition of DHODR-ato Cα-trace (red) with atovaquone (yellow) and DHODR-breq Cα-trace (blue) with brequinar (light blue). FMN and orotate are colored in gray. These figures were produced by Swiss PDB-Viewer (Guex and Peitsch 1997).