Figure 3.
CII-DC-AdTRAIL+DOX treatment partly decreased production of anti-CII Ab. The level of anti-CII Ab in the sera of mice receiving different treatments was measured by an ELISA assay. CII arthritis was induced in DBA/1j mice, and different groups of mice were treated with CII-DC-AdTRAIL+DOX, CII-DC-AdTRAIL (no DOX), CII-DC-AdGFP+DOX, or DC-AdTRAIL+DOX. The sera were collected at the time of sacrifice (19 weeks of age), and an ELISA assay was performed. CII-DC-AdTRAIL+DOX treatment significantly inhibited the sera level of CII Ab in mice. Each bar represents the mean of the level of CII Ab from ten mice in each treatment group. **P < 0.01.