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. 2004 Feb;13(2):400–411. doi: 10.1110/ps.03348304

Table 5.

The Z-scores for 25 monomeric and 31 docking Rosetta decoy sets

Monomeric decoys Docking decoys
1a32 4.59 1.92 1a2yc 2.47 0.97
1ail 8.22 2.17 1qfuc 0.01 2.14
1am3 2.39 2.14 1cz8c 6.04 1.45
1bq9 6.37 3.07 1wejc 0.79 −0.45
1cc5 −1.53 1.46 1dqjc 5.80 1.65
1cei 5.80 4.38 1e6jc 5.28 1.96
1csp 2.43 4.57 1egjc 0.72 1.04
1ctf 6.01 4.11 1eo8c 0.96 0.82
1dol 0.57 3.34 1fdlc 2.66 1.13
1hyp 3.30 5.21 1fj1c 1.51 2.01
1lfb 0.45 1.90 1g7hc 3.38 1.13
1msi 3.82 2.28 1ic4c 5.29 1.82
1mzm 2.79 2.07 1jhlc 2.31 0.72
1orc 3.57 2.83 1jrhc 8.56 1.35
1pgx 4.47 3.17 1mlcc 2.33 1.20
1ptq 3.18 0.48 1ncac 0.50 2.23
1r69 3.36 4.52 1nsnc −0.36 0.25
1tif 7.09 2.56 1ospc 7.82 1.61
1tuc 4.38 2.10 1acb 11.33 1.84
1utg 4.80 1.25 1avz 1.05 0.73
1vcc 5.50 2.73 1brs 3.43 1.44
1vif 4.47 2.27 1cho 12.06 2.51
2fxb 2.48 3.86 1ugh 2.34 2.52
5icb 5.61 3.95 2btf 4.18 1.73
5pti 6.62 1.92 1mda −1.03 0.52
1ppf 8.77 1.95
1spb 14.06 3.36
2ptc 6.18 1.69
1cse 9.16 1.91
2pcc −0.87 0.59
1fin 3.65 3.08
Average 4.03 ± 2.18 2.81 ± 1.16 4.21 ± 3.91 1.51 ± 0.80
%successd 88% 96% 74% 74%

a The Kortemme-Morozov-Baker empirical free-energy function enhanced by orientation-dependent hydrogen bonding potential (Kortemme et al. 2003).

b This work.

c Antibody antigen complex.

d The success rate based on the number of decoy sets with Z-score >1 as in Ref. (Kortemme et al. 2003).