Figure 5.
Kinetics of reductive unfolding of cpBPTI variants. (A) The native form of cp27 BPTI was incubated in the presence of 0.5 mM DTTSH SH at pH 8.7, 25°C. At the indicated times, aliquots of the reaction were withdrawn, reacted with iodoacetate, and subjected to nondenaturing gel electrophoresis, as illustrated in Fig. 4 ▶. (B) Unfolding kinetics of cp41 BPTI were measured as described above, except that the DTTSHSH concentration was 10 mM. In each panel, the filled symbols represent the relative intensities of the bands identified with the various species defined in Scheme 1 ▶: R (circles), I (squares), II (triangles), II′ (down triangles), and N (diamonds). The curves represent the values calculated by numerical integration of the kinetic scheme using the rate constants listed in Table 1.