C57BL/6 female mice were anesthetized and subcutaneously injected with
Matrigel™ matrix supplemented with PBS, rhLAP or CCL2/MCP-1.
After 10 days the mice were sacrificed, skinned, and the plugs were
removed, fixed and embedded in paraffin then stained for CD68+
cells (mononuclear phagocytes). Matrigel matrix supplemented with (A)
PBS, (B) 10 pg/ml rhLAP, or (C) 10 ng/ml CCL2 were assessed for
CD68+ cell recruitment and then quantified by blinded counts
(D). Arrow heads indicate CD68+ cells. (*p<0.05
for condition vs. PBS control plugs,
n = 3 for CCL2 and
n = 2 for LAP) Human monocytes
(5×104/condition) were suspended in
Gey's balanced salt solution and assayed for their chemotactic
response to rhLAP. Recruitment was assayed by incubating monocytes in
modified Boyden chambers for 90 minutes at 37°C and quantified
by counting five high-powered fields of stained membranes in a blinded
fashion. (E) Increasing doses of rhLAP (0-100 pg/ml) were used to
stimulate monocyte recruitment (†p<0.001 from the
non-stimulated sample, n = 7). (F)
Analysis for evidence of directed recruitment of monocytes by LAP was
assessed by exposing monocytes to a “true” gradient
of rhLAP (10 pg/ml) (rhLAP in the chamber opposite the monocytes
only; dark
bars–“Monocytes”) or no gradient (rhLAP on
both sides of the chamber; lighter
bars–“Monocytes+LAP”). These data
represent two independent studies done in triplicate
(*p<0.001 vs. mono + LAP condition). (G)
Assessment of LAP-specific chemotaxis was performed by pre-incubating
cell suspensions with the SB 431542 hydrate from Sigma (St.Louis, MO), a
selective inhibitor of TGF-β type 1 receptor kinases (Activin
Receptor-Like Kinases, ALK-4,-5, and-7) 20 minutes prior to loading on
chemotaxis chambers. Monocytes were then exposed to optimal chemotactic
doses of LAP (10 pg/ml) and TGF-β1 (100 pg/ml). All bars
represent the mean±SEM for
n = 4 samples (* p<0.05
by ANOVA with post-hoc testing).