Figure 5. The hedgehog receptor, NvPatched is expressed in endoderm during development.
NvPtc transcripts are not detected at the onset of gastrulation (A), and are first detected in bodywall and pharyngeal endoderm (p.end) at the oral pole in late gastrula (B, C). Expression is upregulated in the planula and polyp stages (D-F), where NvPtc is expressed in endoderm of the pharynx (p.end), body wall (b.end) and directive mesenteries (d.mes). Note the absence of NvPtc transcripts in the ectodermal component of the pharynx (p.ect) and directive mesenteries (m.ect) (B-H). All embryo views are lateral, with the asterisk denoting the blastopore and future mouth, except C and E, which are oral views.