Figure 1.
Expression pattern of Notch receptors in the small intestine of wild-type mice. In situ hybridization for (A) N1 and (B) N2 shows expression of both receptors in the crypts of the small intestine. Scale bars, 50 μm. (C) Bodyweight curves of control (N1/N2lox/lox), N1 KO (Notch1lox/lox-vil-Cre-ERT2), N2 KO (Notch2lox/lox-vil-Cre-ERT2), N1N2 dKO (Notch1/Notch2lox/lox-vil-Cre-ERT2) and Rbpj KO (Rbpjlox/lox-vil-Cre-ERT2) post tamoxifen-induced Cre activation. The number of mice analysed is indicated.